NUWC 2020: We go national!


After the success of the 2019 convention, NUWC went national!  2020 NUWC (renamed to the National Undergraduate Workers Convention) took place virtually in the evenings of September 13 - 17, and included workshops and trainings on building a powerful union on campus plus an opening session with renowned organizer and educator, Jane McAlevey.  

The 2020 convention brought together over a hundred student workers from dozens of campus across the country. We talked about how to organize during the pandemic as schools were forcing student workers back to work in unsafe conditions. We learned fundamentals of organizing, discussed building power to fight for racial justice on campus, and built our mapping and leadership ID skills. Though the sessions were virtual, the conference included time to socialize and have fun. We were again honored to have esteemed organizer Barbara Madeloni join us to lead a closing sessions.

After the 2020 convention, workers continued to connect and organize. The conference took a hiatus because of the pandemic, but undergraduate organizing picked up steam. Several NUWC attendees took their campaigns public and won union recognition in 2021 and 2022. Now we look forward to organizing a convention with a robust mix of unions at various stages in their fights!

2020 Convention Schedule


Want to know what happened in 2020 and what to expect in 2023? Check out the convention schedule below.

Some photos from the convention